Happy first day of May! April has been pretty amazing filled with lots of quality time and adventures with family and friends. Looking back on this past month:
I shared: My favorite summer invitation suite, a new vintage invitation suite complete with a wax seal and highlights from my trip to Sonoma.
I read: Station Eleven, The Boston Girl, and I'm halfway through Now, Discover Your Strengths
I learned: This past week I finished Marie Forleo's 8 week B-School program. My head is swimming with all kinds of information I want to implement in my business.
I visited: We had friends from DC visit this month so we got to play tourist in our new home which was fun and I just got back from a girls trip to California with my mom and sisters. It has been so nice to spend quality time with our loved ones this past month.
I'm pretty excited about this coming month as I finally have some time to implement everything I've been learning in my business.
May Goals
1 Organize: While I'm great at staying organized on projects, organizing actual belongings is a huge weakness of mine. I have boxes and boxes of past work, paper samples etc. Part of it is due to the move but I've decided it is time to get organized in my studio starting with all my supplies and samples.
2 Email List: I've been wanting to do a monthly email for a while and this month I'm finally going to launch so be on the lookout this month to signup and receive exclusive content such as tips and tutorials.
3 Learn: Now that I'm done with B-School I am hoping back on the Skillshare train and really want to continue my education with calligraphy and hand lettering.
4 Solidify My Routine: My routine has been one of the hardest parts about transitioning to working full time for myself. I feel like I'm getting there but this coming month I really want to perfect it so that I can efficiently do my work, make time for exercise, and feel more balanced.
What are your goals for this coming month? I'd love to hear what you are struggling with or want to hustle after in the month of May.